Integrating Your Grief and Healing Your Heart

grief is love

One on One Wholeness Reclamation

Though one specific loss likely led you here, you have experienced many losses and heartbreaks. This is a 19 week guided journey to allow grief to be assimilated and experienced as love. Just as you don’t get through or resolve love, grief is not meant to be fixed or finished. Love is a sacred holding, as is grief. So to fall in love IS to fall in grief. Grief and Love are holy, sacred and normal responses to loss which happens when what’s expected is disrupted. Disappointment is loss and it matters. Grief meets and nourishes places of loss. Something beautiful grows, though we do not know what that will be. Our focus is on loving your heart to heal and strengthen your overall wellness. You are invited to allow the full human experience and encounter immense joy and satisfaction amidst pain and sorrow. The 19-Week Grief Integration Program focuses on healing your heart to consider the life you want. Grieving opens the window to the full human experience so you can begin creating a life of immense satisfaction and joy.

Empower Healing for All: Introducing Tiered Pricing to ensure accessibility. Generosity is the spirit of this structure, so stretch yourself and let's build a community of conscious contribution!

$4509 Nurturing Tier

  • If you say yes to any of the following, choose this Nurturing Tier:

  • You own property, have access to financial security, or have personal savings.

  • You are able to pay for "wants" with little worry about securing your survival needs.

  • You have economic privilege and power in your community.

  • You want to “pay it forward” and contribute to a more equitable world.

The Nurturing Tier provides scholarships to those who’ve been impacted by generational poverty and have gone without essential resources.

$3519 Supporting Tier

  • Choose this Supporting Tier if you CANNOT say yes to any bullets on the Nurturing Tier and:

  • You’re paying off debt, working to build savings, and have access to steady income. 

  • You can meet most basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc. 

  • Making this investment may require you to cut back on some discretionary spending (such as dining out, vacation etc), but the sacrifice is short-term.

The Supporting Tier helps our mission to promote wholeness for ourselves, each other, and the world. 

$2599 Contributing Tier

  • Choose this Contributing Tier if you CANNOT say yes to any bullets on the Supporting Tier and:

  • You only have access to basic needs such as food, housing, and childcare. 

  • You have a level of stability that sometimes feels fragile. 

  • You are a resourceful person, who has faced many challenges, often without support, and you are working hard towards improving your life.

Thank you for doing all that you’ve done to get here and bravely investing in yourself when it feels like a stretch. Your bravery is our bravery.

Supporting yourself is also providing Legit You scholarships for those who are under-resourced and cannot meet basic survival needs. Together, we are humanizing humanity.

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