Lisa michelle

Grief and Love Coach, Author, Speaker &  Trainer

First and foremost, I’m a human, committed to the process of all that is alive. There is no magic formula, quick fix, bypass, or override to the process of growing.

I come alongside beautiful people as a guide, fellow traveler, and facilitator for flourishing.

I’m a Life Coach trained in community and personal development and an array of healing modalities such as Circles, Smart Body Smart Mind, Bridges Out of Poverty, Motivational Interviewing, Grief Recovery, Trauma-Informed Care, Wellness Recovery, Peer Support, Positive Intelligence, and other person-first growth. Passionate about human flourishing, I am constantly learning, growing, and celebrating the journey of becoming who I truly am and supporting others on their journey.

Much of my adult life, people have come to me for support and guidance. I mostly led with my intellect not yet knowing an embodied way. After 23 years of marriage I divorced, losing the many hopes and dreams I’d attached to it. Later, I lost my fiancé to a motorcycle accident five months before our wedding day. 

I’ve discovered that as wounds are housed in relationships, so too is wholeness and healing. That grief comes not to hurt, but because I’m hurting and shows love where to go. Since all of us experience loss, normalizing pain and creating communities that invite our grief to receive love is my mission.

"Grief dares us to love..." Terry Tempest Williams

grief is the pathway healing. Grief will guide us to the places that need healing, understanding, and reconciliation for ourselves and one another!


I offer several supportive services depending on your needs

assimilating grief

One on One Wholeness Reclamation

Though one specific loss likely led you to this heart-work, you have experienced many losses and heartbreaks. This is a 19-week guided journey to allow grief to be assimilated and experienced as love.

Just as you don’t get through or resolve love, grief is not meant to be fixed or finished. Love is a sacred holding, as is grief. So to fall in love IS to fall in grief. Grief and Love are holy, sacred and normal responses to loss which happens when what’s expected is disrupted. Disappointment is loss and it matters. 

Grief meets and nourishes places of loss. Something beautiful grows, though we do not know what that will be. Our focus is on loving your heart to heal and strengthen your overall wellness. You are invited to allow the full human experience and encounter immense joy and satisfaction amidst pain and sorrow.

The 19-Week Grief Integration Program focuses on healing your heart to consider the life you want. Grieving opens the window to the full human experience so you can begin creating a life of immense satisfaction and joy.

living with loss circle

A supportive community healing circle

This circle is for all things human. It meets as a group on Zoom for 90 minutes per week for 9 weeks and honors all forms of loss - death, divorce, faith deconstruction, life change, various transitions, sorrows for our world (environmental, political, racial, cultural loss), loss of community and belonging, ancestral grief, and anything else present. There is no grief too big or too small for this circle.

person first training

Legit You Facilitation Approach

The Legit You facilitation approach is a mindfulness-based practice that involves bringing individuals together under the guidance of a trained facilitator, for candid, heartfelt and intentional conversation. Our facilitation enables individuals to cultivate tools for improved communication, find common ground with others and create healthy, compassionate and thriving environments.

Participants learn to listen without judgment and to talk, one-at-a-time, with the intent to speak from one’s personal experience rather than opinion. This simple shift fosters a safe and intentional container for individuals to give voice to their stories and to discover commonality in the experiences and values they share, supporting community, cooperation and wellbeing. This approach provides a compassionate, non-judgmental space for the emergence of empathy, understanding, healing and community that strengthens relationships.


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